Poland urged to 'boost wind procurement’ - reNews

Poland urged to ‘boost wind procurement’ – reNews


The Polish Wind Energy Association has recommended the government increase the amount of energy that it purchases from wind farms.

In 2019 the Polish energy ministry intends to contract 67.5 terawatt hours of energy from auctions, which amounts to 1.5GW of wind power.

According to the association, wind projects that are ready to be built in the country total 3GW.

Polish Wind Energy Association president Janusz Gajowieki said: “Therefore, we recommend increasing the next contract to approximately 2.5GW.”

According to the trade group increasing this amount to 2.5GW will ensure projects, which investors have already spent a total of PLN2-3 billion on, get developed successfully.

Though building permits for renewable energy projects expire in 2021, projects risk halting as connection agreements expire in May 2019, with no guarantee of government support, said the association.

In addition, increasing the amount of wind generated electricity that the government can purchase in 2019 to 2.5GW will allow wind power to contribute a larger share of Poland’s 2020 renewable energy target, said the Polish Wind Energy Association.

The Ministry of Energy, in a separate regulation, proposed a price of PLN285/megawatt hour as the maximum in the basket for solar and wind installations over 1MW. The association considers the price to be adequate.


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